We’re hiring! How many times have the previous words given you little butterflies, when you see your dream companies put it up on their virtual addresses? Let’s understand why.

With the advent of 2023, the modern-day literate labour market has become much more dynamic. We as job-seekers know that the focus of IT recruiters has massively shifted toward acquiring skilled labour, as opposed to traditional means of acquiring experienced candidates. These skills act as means of filtering the prospective candidates for given posts and roles. Hence, the modern day IT labour market is brimming with the idea of adding more and more skills on their resume, for better chances of getting hired.

Let’s have a look at 10 top skills IT Recruiters are looking for in candidates in 2023.

  1. Machine Learning – The term machine learning points out to the art and science of learning, without actually writing a separate program for it. With the progress in technology, the time has come where machines are self-sustainable and do not require humans to control them. Therefore, it has become all the more important for the right set of IT professionals to handle data carefully, both socially and ethically.


  1. Software Programming – Coding requires the knowledge of a computer language. With the passage of time, there have been higher demands of coders of a particular language and also along with it, requirement of coders who code in numerous languages. We are not surprised why IT recruiters have put software programming as a skill they want prospective IT job seekers to possess.

  1. Data Science – 2023 will see a surge in the demand for data analysts and data scientists. The major reason for this can be accredited to the fact data will play a huge role in decision making of business houses in the coming times. Therefore, IT recruiters look for data scientists in the pool of engineers.


  1. Cyber security – Systems are prone to viruses and mass outbreak of a new bug casually encroaching upon the security systems of companies’ online existence. A lot of times, companies do not even report it fearing the loss of prospective consumers. Nevertheless, it certainly does not discount the fact that IT recruiters have started looking out for cyber security study as one of the top skills in IT job seekers.


  1. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence – With the massive adoption of computer and it replacing human labour, it is important that IT recruiters get hold of the right data analyst. Data analyst could study data effectively, and will be able to steer the organization toward productivity and competence for the company in question.


  1. Soft Skill Development – Despite having the best of technical knowhow, it is an utter waste if that knowledge isn’t transferrable. An ideal manager in the IT sector must have the right set of people skill or soft skills, to effectively deal with their teams. Come 2023, this has become an absolute criterion with all IT recruiters to hire candidates.


  1. UI/UX – There is no doubt that machines and software are on a constant brink of transformational revolution. At the same time, the user interface or user experience needs to be simplistic enough to drive sales for a particular brand, product or company. It’s one of the top notch skills IT recruiters attempt to filter job seekers with, these days.


  1. Cloud Computing – We all hear of cloud computing way more than often. It involves hosting, storing and managing data to a set of remote servers rather than on your physical computers. Imagine storing your money in a bank rather than keeping it on you. There is a guarantee of safety which comes along with it, and assurance of proper storage. Therefore, it’s also one of the top skills IT recruiters filter candidates with.


  1. Industrial Robotics and Automation – When Industrial Revolution took place, experts commented that there will come a day when machines replace men. Well, it is certainly happening as you read this and hence it is important that IT job seekers possess skills of robotics and automation. The demand for such skills is only going to increase aggressively in the future, without a doubt.


  1. Natural Language Processing – Try saying ‘Hey, Siri. How does the weather look like?” on your Apple devices. Or, try Google Assistant for the same. You get a fully fledged report of the weather conditions today. With the rapid advancements of voice automation, natural language processing has reached the next level. IT Recruiters are on the lookout for candidates who could contribute largely to the stated field.